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Mile High Shift: Denver-Area Drivers Should Expect Changes To I-70 Commute
'Mile High Shift' to close I-70 for a weekend in Denver
Expect the major I-70 lane change through Denver to create shift-faced drivers
Drivers encounter new traffic configuration on I-70 in Denver
I-70 is official closed in both directions for the Mile High Shift
I-70 traffic expected to be heavy this weekend
I-70 demolition debris from CDOT's Mile High Shift project impacts Denver restaurant
I-70 reopens, but what's next?
Crews begin demolishing I-70 viaduct
CDOT buries I-70 in metro Denver... on Krystal 93 evening news
Rock scaling work ahead of the Floyd Hill Project will cause traffic delays on I-70
Rollover Crash Closes Westbound I-70 At Colorado Boulevard During Morning Commute